

Efficient Super-Resolution and Applications to Mosaics

14 years 5 months ago
Efficient Super-Resolution and Applications to Mosaics
Mosaicingand super resolution are two ways to combine information from multiple frames in video sequences. Mosaicing displays the information of multiple frames in a single panoramic image. Super-resolution uses regions which appear in multiple frames to improve resolution and reduce noise. The aim of this work is constructing a high resolution mosaic from a video sequence in an efficient way. Simple combination of the two methods is problematic, since the alignment used in mosaicing may not be accurate enough for super resolution. Another issue is the efficiency of the super resolution algorithm, which requires heavy computations, especially when applied to large images such as panoramic mosaics. This paper introduces two novelties. First, a framework for super resolution algorithms is presented, which enables the development of very efficient algorithms. Second, a method for applying super resolution to panoramic mosaics is presented. This method preserves the geometry of the origin...
Assaf Zomet, Shmuel Peleg
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ICPR
Authors Assaf Zomet, Shmuel Peleg
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