
Tsinghua U.

Using complete system simulation to characterize SPECjvm98 benchmarks

14 years 6 months ago
Using complete system simulation to characterize SPECjvm98 benchmarks
Complete system simulation to understand the influence of architecture and operating systems on application execution has been identified to be crucial for systems design. While there have been previous attempts at understanding the architectural impact of Java programs, there has been no prior work investigating the operating system (kernel) activity during their executions. This problem is particularlyinteresting in the context of Java since it is not only the application that can invoke kernel services, but so does the underlying Java Virtual Machine (JVM) implementation which runs these programs. Further, the JVM style (JIT compiler or interpreter) and the manner in which the different JVM components (such as the garbage collector and class loader) are exercised, can have a significant impact on the kernel activities. To investigate these issues, this research uses complete system simulation of the SPECjvm98 benchmarks on the SimOS simulation platform. The execution of these bench...
Tao Li, Lizy Kurian John, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan,
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ICS
Authors Tao Li, Lizy Kurian John, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan, Anand Sivasubramaniam, Jyotsna Sabarinathan, Anupama Murthy
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