

Load Balancing for a Distributed CORBA-Based SCP

14 years 6 months ago
Load Balancing for a Distributed CORBA-Based SCP
This paper examines load balancing issues relating to a distributed CORBA-based Service Control Point. Two types of load balancing strategies are explored through simulation studies: (i) a novel ant-based load balancing algorithm, which has been devised specifically for this type of system. This algorithm is compared to more traditional algorithms, (ii) a method for optimal distribution of the computational objects composing the service programs. This is based on mathematically minimising the expected communication flows between network nodes and message-level processing costs. The simulation model has been based on the recently adopted OMG IN/CORBA Interworking specification and the TINA Service Session computational object model.
Conor McArdle, Niklas Widell, Christian Nyberg, Er
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ISN
Authors Conor McArdle, Niklas Widell, Christian Nyberg, Erik Lilja, Jenny Nyström, Thomas Curran
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