

Model of an Adaptive Support Interface for Distance Learning

14 years 6 months ago
Model of an Adaptive Support Interface for Distance Learning
We developed a distributed support model in an interface for distant learning. The support is integrated into the ExploraGraph navigator which makes it possible to navigate through conceptual graphs of activities and knowledge elements. The learner may specify goals using a Control Panel (Explore the calendar, the content, Plan my activities). He may specify his degree of completion of the elements of the course. These are used by the help system to display contextual help, using hypertext, graphical cues, Ms Agents avatars, voice, visual and force-feedback guiding. The graphs are used to display the overlay model of the learner as a feedback to his progression. The system is built in Visual Basic and operates under Windows. The support is described as a rule-based system in the database. A course on the design of learning application was developed using the interface and the support model was evaluated with it.
Aude Dufresne
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where ITS
Authors Aude Dufresne
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