

Imposing Real-Time Constraints on Self-Adaptive Controller Synthesis

14 years 6 months ago
Imposing Real-Time Constraints on Self-Adaptive Controller Synthesis
Abstract. Self-adaptive systems must recon gure themselves, at runtime, to compensate for changing environments, objectives, and system capabilities. This paper discusses how the SA-CIRCA architecture for intelligent autonomous systems can automatically synthesize customized control software on the y, and how that synthesis process itself can be managed to conform to real-time deadlines that may constrain the time available for recon guration. By restricting the scope of the problems it is trying to solve, by using incremental improvement algorithms, and by trading o solution quality against computation time, SA-CIRCA operates as a self-aware, self-adaptive system responding in real-time to perceived changes.
David J. Musliner
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors David J. Musliner
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