

Variations on Multimedia Data Mining

14 years 5 months ago
Variations on Multimedia Data Mining
Is multimedia data mining just a new combination of buzz-words or is it a new interdisciplinary field which not only incorporates methods and techniques from the relevant disciplines, but is also capable to produce new methodologies and influence related interdisciplinary fields. Rather than making an overview of existing methods and techniques, or presenting a particular technique, this paper aims to present some facets of multimedia data mining in the context of its potential to influence some relatively new interdisciplinary domains. Keywords multimedia, digital media, data mining, knowledge discovery, knowledge representation, case-based reasoning, computersupported collaborative work.
Simeon J. Simoff
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where KDD
Authors Simeon J. Simoff
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