

Compiling Data Intensive Applications with Spatial Coordinates

14 years 6 months ago
Compiling Data Intensive Applications with Spatial Coordinates
Abstract. Processing and analyzing large volumes of data plays an increasingly important role in many domains of scienti c research. We are developing a compiler which processes data intensive applications written in a dialect of Java and compiles them for e cient execution on cluster of workstations or distributed memory machines. In this paper, we focus on data intensive applications with two important properties: 1) data elements have spatial coordinates associated with them and the distribution of the data is not regular with respect to these coordinates, and 2) the application processes only a subset of the available data on the basis of spatial coordinates. These applications arise in many domains like satellite data-processing and medical imaging. We present a general compilation and execution strategy for this class of applications which achieves high locality in disk accesses. We then present a technique for hoisting conditionals which further improves e ciency in execution of...
Renato Ferreira, Gagan Agrawal, Ruoming Jin, Joel
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where LCPC
Authors Renato Ferreira, Gagan Agrawal, Ruoming Jin, Joel H. Saltz
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