

An Infrastructure for Monitoring and Management in Computational Grids

14 years 6 months ago
An Infrastructure for Monitoring and Management in Computational Grids
We present the design and implementation of an infrastructure that enables monitoring of resources, services, and applications in a computational grid and provides a toolkit to help manage these entities when faults occur. This infrastructure builds on three basic monitoring components: sensors to perform measurements, actuators to perform actions, and an event service to communicate events between remote processes. We describe how we apply our infrastructure to support a grid service and an application: (1) the Globus Metacomputing Directory Service; and (2) a long-running and coarse-grained parameter study application. We use these application to show that our monitoring infrastructure is highly modular, conveniently retargettable, and extensible.
Abdul Waheed, Warren Smith, Jude George, Jerry C.
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where LCR
Authors Abdul Waheed, Warren Smith, Jude George, Jerry C. Yan
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