

Enhancing Preference-Based Anaphora Resolution with Genetic Algorithms

14 years 5 months ago
Enhancing Preference-Based Anaphora Resolution with Genetic Algorithms
Abstract. The paper argues that a promising way to improve the success rate of preference-based anaphora resolution algorithms is the use of machine learning. The paper outlines MARS - a program for automatic resolution of pronominal anaphors and describes an experiment which we have conducted to optimise the success rate of MARS with the help of a genetic algorithm. After the optimisation we noted an improvement up to 8% for some les. The results obtained after optimisation are discussed.
Constantin Orasan, Richard Evans, Ruslan Mitkov
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where NLP
Authors Constantin Orasan, Richard Evans, Ruslan Mitkov
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