

Web Site Interface Design: External and Internal Factors

14 years 5 months ago
Web Site Interface Design: External and Internal Factors
There has been tremendous growth in electronic commerce over the past few years. This growth is expected to sustain momentum in the future. Hence, the Internet has become an essential tool for business and customers. However, unlike traditional retailers, it lacks key aspects of a shopping experience like interacting with customer sales people and being physically in a store. A well-designed user interface can overcome some of these limitations and aid customers in their search of products and services. This paper examines both the internal (to the web design) and external (to the user's environment) factors that affect user interface design on the World Wide Web. These five factors are the user's mental model, level of expertise of the user, the user's learning style, richness of the media used, and the organizational image and message. Since all factors are external with the exception of the richness of the media used, the emphasis in the paper is on external factors.
Ahmed Mahfouz
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where OHS
Authors Ahmed Mahfouz
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