

Experiments in Separating Computational Algorithm from Program Distribution and Communication

14 years 5 months ago
Experiments in Separating Computational Algorithm from Program Distribution and Communication
Our proposal has the following key features: 1) The separation of a distributed program into a pure algorithm (PurAl) and a distribution/communication declaration (DUAL). This yields flexible programs capable of handling different kinds of data/program distribution with no change to the pure algorithm. 2) Implicit or automatic handling of communication via externally mapped variables and generalizations of assignment and reference to these variables. This provides unified device independent view and processing of internal data and external distributed data at the user programming language level. 3) Programs need only know of the direct binds with distributed correspondents (mailbox driver, file manager, remote task, window manager etc.). This avoids the need for a central description of all the interconnections. The main short-range benefits of this proposal are to facilitate parallel computations. Parallel programming is a fundamental challenge in computer science, nowadays. Improvin...
Raphael B. Yehezkael, Yair Wiseman, H. G. Mendelba
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where PARA
Authors Raphael B. Yehezkael, Yair Wiseman, H. G. Mendelbaum, I. L. Gordin
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