

Spatial Games with Adaptive Tit-For-Tats

14 years 6 months ago
Spatial Games with Adaptive Tit-For-Tats
This paper presents an adaptive tit-for-tat strategy and a study of its behavior in spatial IPD games. The adaptive tit-for-tat strategy is shown elsewhere to demonstrate high performance in IPD tournaments or individual IPD games with other types of strategies, and obtains higher scores than the pure tit-for-tat strategy. In spatial IPD games, the strategy exhibits stability and resistance to perturbations, and those properties are more pronounced in variations of the spatial game model that induce some degree of "noise" : probabilistic winning, spatial irregularity and continuous time. The adaptive titfor-tat strategy is also compared to pure tit-for-tat and found to be more stable and predominant in perturbed environments.
Elpida Tzafestas
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where PPSN
Authors Elpida Tzafestas
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