

The Ant Colony Metaphor for Searching Continuous Design Spaces

14 years 5 months ago
The Ant Colony Metaphor for Searching Continuous Design Spaces
This paper describes a form of dynamical computational system--4he ant colony---and presents an ant colony model for continuous space optimisation problems. The ant colony metaphor is applied to a real world heavily constrained engineering design problem. It is capable of accelerating the search process and finding acceptable solutions which otherwise could not be discovered by a GA. By integrating the Pareto optimality concept within the selection mechanism in GAs and Ant Colony it is possible to treat both hard and soft constraints. Hard constraints participate in a penalty term while soft constraints become part of a multi-criteria formulation of the problem.
George Bilchev, Ian C. Parmee
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Where AISB
Authors George Bilchev, Ian C. Parmee
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