

The Complexity of Poor Man's Logic

14 years 6 months ago
The Complexity of Poor Man's Logic
Motivated by description logics, we investigate what happens to the complexity of modal satisfiability problems if we only allow formulas built from literals, , 3, and 2. Previously, the only known result was that the complexity of the satisfiability problem for K dropped from PSPACE-complete to coNP-complete (Schmidt-Schauss and Smolka [5] and Donini et al. [2]). In this paper we show that not all logics behave like K. In particular, we show that the complexity of the satisfiability problem with respect to frames in which each world has at least one successor drops from PSPACEcomplete to P, but that in contrast the satisfiability problem with respect to the class of frames in which each world has at most two successors remains PSPACE-complete. As a corollary of the latter result, we also solve the one missing case from Donini et al.'s complexity classification of description logics [1]. Contents
Edith Hemaspaandra
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Edith Hemaspaandra
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