

Non-Functional Requirements for Object-Oriented Modeling

14 years 6 months ago
Non-Functional Requirements for Object-Oriented Modeling
Recently, it has been pointed out that the majority of the requirements engineering methods do not take into account non-functional requirements (NFRs) [10][11]. Consequently, we have been experiencing serious problems during the development of software systems, such as cost and schedule overruns. In order to diminish this negligence of NFRs and its consequences, this work proposes a strategy (OONFR) that brings NFRs to object-oriented modeling. The OONFR strategy uses as input a Language Extended Lexicon of the Universe of Discourse (LEL of UofD) and outputs a class diagram with indications of what classes, attributes, operations and relationships are responsible for satisficing1 NFRs. This strategy consists of the following activities: build the Language Extended Lexicon of Universe of Discourse-NFR (LEL of UofD-NFR), build the scenarios and build the class diagram.
Jaime de Melo Sabat Neto, Julio Cesar Sampaio do P
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where WER
Authors Jaime de Melo Sabat Neto, Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite, Luiz Márcio Cysneiros Filho
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