

Run-Time Techniques for Parallelizing Sparse Matrix Problems

14 years 6 months ago
Run-Time Techniques for Parallelizing Sparse Matrix Problems
Sparse matrix problems are di cult to parallelize e ciently on message-passing machines, since they access data through multiple levels of indirection. Inspector executor strategies, which are typically used to parallelize such problems impose signi cant preprocessing overheads. This paper describes the runtime support required by new compilation techniques for sparse matrices and evaluates their performance, highlighting optimizations and improvements over previous techniques.
Manuel Ujaldon, Shamik D. Sharma, Joel H. Saltz, E
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Authors Manuel Ujaldon, Shamik D. Sharma, Joel H. Saltz, Emilio L. Zapata
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