

Software Support for Outboard Buffering and Checksumming

14 years 6 months ago
Software Support for Outboard Buffering and Checksumming
Data copying and checksumming are the most expensive operations when doing high-bandwidth network IO over a highspeed network. Under some conditions, outboard buffering and checksumming can eliminate accesses to the data, thus making communication less expensive and faster. One of the scenarios in which outboard buffering pays off is the common case of applications accessing the network using the Berkeley sockets interface and the Internet protocol stack. In this paper we describe the changes that were made to a BSD protocol stack to make use of a network adaptor that supports outboard buffering and checksumming. Our goal is not only to achieve “single copy” communication for application that use sockets, but to also have efficient communication for in-kernel applications and for applications using other networks. Performance measurements show that for large reads and writes the single-copy path through the stack is significantly more efficient than the original implementation....
Karl Kleinpaste, Peter Steenkiste, Brian Zill
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Authors Karl Kleinpaste, Peter Steenkiste, Brian Zill
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