

Processing Object-Oriented Queries with Invertible Late Bound Functions

14 years 5 months ago
Processing Object-Oriented Queries with Invertible Late Bound Functions
New demandsare put on query processing in Object-Oriented(00) databasesto provide efficient andrelationally completequery languages. A flexible 00 data model requires overloading and late binding of function names.Relational completenessrequirescapabilitiesto handlequeries wherefunctions areinverted, i.e. whereit is possible to select those objects y that satisfies fn(y)-x wherex is known. A systemthat supports both late binding andinverted functions mustbe ableto solvefn(y)-.x for agivenx andunknown y whenfn is late bound, i.e. the resolvent (implementation of a function name) to apply on y is selectedbasedon thetype of y. This combination of latebinding andinvertedfunction calls require novel query processingcapabilities to fully utilize indexes referencedin late bound function calls. This paper presentsan approach to the managementof late binding in query processing. The main result is a query processingmethod where late bound function calls are efficiently executed and optimized f...
Staffan Flodin, Tore Risch
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Where VLDB
Authors Staffan Flodin, Tore Risch
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