

W3QS: A Query System for the World-Wide Web

14 years 6 months ago
W3QS: A Query System for the World-Wide Web
The World-Wide Web (WWW) is an ever growing, distributed, non-administered, global information resource. It resides on the worldwide computer network and allows access to heterogeneous information: text, image, video, sound and graphic data. Currently, this wealth of information is difficult to mine. One can either manually, slowly and tediously navigate through the WWW or utilize indexes and libraries which are built by automatic search engines (called knowbots or robots). We have designed and are now implementing a high level SQL-like language to support effective and flexible query processing, which addresses the structure and content of WWW nodes and their varied sorts of data. Query results are intuitively presented and continuously maintained when desired. The language itself integrates new utilities and existing Unix tools (e.g. grep, awk). The implementation strategy is to employ existing WWW browsers and Unix tools to the extent possible.
David Konopnicki, Oded Shmueli
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Where VLDB
Authors David Konopnicki, Oded Shmueli
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