

Queueing Performance with Impatient Customers

14 years 6 months ago
Queueing Performance with Impatient Customers
customer which exceeds its deadline will either leave the queue without service or stay in the queue to get unsucWe consider the problem of scheduling impatient CUS- cessful service. One application of this problem is the tomers in a non-preemptive G/GI/1 queue. Every CUS- transmission of time-constrained messages over a comtomer has a random deadline to the beginning of its munication channel. These messages have to reach their service. Given the distribution of the customer dead- receivers within a certain time interval of their transmislines (rather than their exact values), a scheduling pol- sion or they are useless to the receivers and considered icy decides the customer service order and also which lost. Two possible scenarios are often encountered in this customer(s) to reject, since those whose deadlines have kind of queueing system[l]. The first is that the server expired do not leave the queue automatically. Our ob- of the queue is aware of each customer's deadline. The ...
Zheng-Xue Zhao, Shivendra S. Panwar, Donald F. Tow
Added 27 Aug 2010
Updated 27 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1991
Authors Zheng-Xue Zhao, Shivendra S. Panwar, Donald F. Towsley
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