

Advice to Authors of Extended Abstracts

14 years 6 months ago
Advice to Authors of Extended Abstracts
o Authors of Extended Abstracts William Pugh Dept. of Computer Science and Institute for Advanced Computer Studies Univ. of Maryland, College Park March 16, 1993 This article stems from discussions among the program committeefor SIGPLAN'91 PLDI. The program committee thought it might be useful to put together some advice for authors. To give some context to these suggestions, I've also provided a brief description of the process by which the conference papers were reviewed, partially from my perspective. This process is similar to the way most SIGPLAN conferences are run, although the details di er for each conference. How the Papers Were Reviewed: re 169 extended abstracts submitted to the SIGPLAN '91 PLDI conference. At the request of the program committee chair, program committee members (and their graduate stuefrained from submitting any abstracts to the conference. This allowed us to avoid having to deal with direct con ict of interests. Each program committee membe...
William Pugh
Added 27 Aug 2010
Updated 27 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1991
Where PLDI
Authors William Pugh
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