

On temporal-spatial realism in the virtual reality environment

14 years 6 months ago
On temporal-spatial realism in the virtual reality environment
The Polhemus Isotrak is often used as an orientation and position tracking device in virtual reality environments. When it is used to dynamically determine the user's viewpoint and line of sight  e.g. in the case of a head mounted display the noise and delay in its measurement data causes temporal-spatial distortion, perceived by the user as jittering of images and lag between head movement and visual feedback. To tackle this problem, we rst examined the major cause of the distortion, and found that the lag felt by the user is mainly due to the delay in orientation data, and the jittering of images is caused mostly by the noise in position data. Based on these observations, a predictive Kalman lter was designed to compensate for the delay in orientation data, and an anisotropic low pass lter was devised to reduce the noise in position data. The e ectiveness and limitations of both approaches were then studied, and the results shown to be satisfactory.
Jiandong Liang, Christopher D. Shaw, Mark Green
Added 27 Aug 2010
Updated 27 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1991
Where UIST
Authors Jiandong Liang, Christopher D. Shaw, Mark Green
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