

Oriented Projective Geometry

14 years 4 months ago
Oriented Projective Geometry
In [12] Stolfi developed a complete theory of Oriented Projective Geometry. He showed that assigning meaning to the sign of an otherwise homogenous representation of geometry could provide a multitude of benefits. This paper extends his work by applying the same approach to Conformal Geometric Algebra. Oriented Conformal Geometric Algebra allows intuitive manipulation of such concepts as half-spaces, inclusion within geometric entities and ordered intersections. It also illustrates the non-commutative nature of the meet. The paper concludes with some examples of applications in which Oriented Conformal Geometric Algebra is already providing benefits.
Jorge Stolfi
Added 28 Aug 2010
Updated 28 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1987
Authors Jorge Stolfi
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