

Decentralized Service Allocation in a Broker Overlay Based Grid

14 years 6 months ago
Decentralized Service Allocation in a Broker Overlay Based Grid
Abstract. Grid computing is based on coordinated resource sharing in a dynamic environment of multi-institutional virtual organizations. Data exchanges, and service allocation, are challenging problems in the field of Grid computing. This is due to the decentralization of Grid systems. Building decentralized Grid systems with efficient resource management and software component mechanisms is a need for achieving the required efficiency and usability of Grid systems. In this work, a decentralized Grid system model is presented in which, the system is divided into virtual organizations each controlled by a broker. An overlay network of brokers is responsible for global resource management and managing allocation of services. Experimental results show that, the system achieves dependable performance with various loads of services, and broker failures.
Abdulrahman Azab, Hein Meling
Added 30 Aug 2010
Updated 30 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Abdulrahman Azab, Hein Meling
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