

Push-and-pull switching: window switching based on window overlapping

14 years 6 months ago
Push-and-pull switching: window switching based on window overlapping
We propose Push-and-Pull Switching, a window switching technique using window overlapping to implicitly define groups. Push-and-Pull Switching enables switching between groups and restacking the focused window to any position to change its group membership. The technique was evaluated in an experiment which found that Push-and-Pull Switching improves switching performance by more than 50% compared to other switching techniques in different scenarios. A longitudinal user study indicates that participants invoked this switching technique 15% of the time on single monitor displays and that they found it easy to understand and use. Author Keywords Window management, window switching, overlapping. ACM Classification Keywords H5.2 [Information interfaces and presentation]: User Interfaces. - Graphical user interfaces. General Terms Design, Performance.
Quan Xu, Géry Casiez
Added 02 Sep 2010
Updated 02 Sep 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CHI
Authors Quan Xu, Géry Casiez
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