

Parallel Branch Prediction on GPU Platform

14 years 5 months ago
Parallel Branch Prediction on GPU Platform
Abstract. Branch Prediction is a common function in nowadays microprocessor. Branch predictor is duplicated into multiple copies in each core of a multicore and many-core processor and makes prediction for multiple concurrent running programs respectively. To evaluate the parallel branch prediction in many-core processor, existed schemes generally use a parallel simulator running in CPU which does not have a real passive parallel running environment to support a many-core simulation and thus has bad simulating performance. In this paper, we firstly try to use a real many-core platform, GPU, to do a parallel branch prediction for future general purpose many-core processor. We verify the new GPU based parallel branch predictor against the traditional CPU based branch predictor. Experiment result shows that GPU based parallel simulation scheme is a promising way to faster simulating speed for future many-core processor research.
Liqiang He, Guangyong Zhang
Added 02 Sep 2010
Updated 02 Sep 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Liqiang He, Guangyong Zhang
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