

Another Look at Search-Based Drama Management

14 years 5 months ago
Another Look at Search-Based Drama Management
A drama manager (DM) monitors an interactive experience, such as a computer game, and intervenes to shape the global experience so it satisfies the author's expressive goals without decreasing a player's interactive agency. In declarative optimization-based drama management (DODM), the author declaratively specifies desired properties of the experience; the DM optimizes its interventions to maximize that metric. The initial DODM approach used online search to optimize an experience-quality function. Subsequent work questioned whether online search could perform well in general, and proposed alternative optimization frameworks such as reinforcement learning. Recent work on targeted trajectory distribution Markov decision processes (TTD-MDPs) replaced the experience-quality metric with a metric and associated algorithm based on targeting experience distributions. We argue that optimizing an experience-quality function does not destroy interactive agency, as has been claimed, a...
Mark J. Nelson, Michael Mateas
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where AAAI
Authors Mark J. Nelson, Michael Mateas
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