

A Planning Approach for Message-Oriented Semantic Web Service Composition

14 years 5 months ago
A Planning Approach for Message-Oriented Semantic Web Service Composition
In this paper, we consider the problem of composing a set of web services, where the requirements are specified in terms of the input and output messages of the composite workflow. We propose a semantic model of messages using RDF graphs that encode OWL ABox assertions. We also propose a model of web service operations where the input message requirements and output message characteristics are modeled using RDF graph patterns. We formulate the message-oriented semantic web service composition problem and show how it can be translated into a planning problem. There are, however, significant challenges in scalably doing planning in this domain, especially since DL reasoning may be performed to check if an operation can be given a certain input message. We propose a two-phase planning algorithm that incorporates DLP reasoning and evaluate the performance of this planning algorithm. An important class of web services consists of those that either do data processing or provide informati...
Zhen Liu, Anand Ranganathan, Anton Riabov
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where AAAI
Authors Zhen Liu, Anand Ranganathan, Anton Riabov
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