

Growing an organic indoor location system

14 years 5 months ago
Growing an organic indoor location system
Most current methods for 802.11-based indoor localization depend on surveys conducted by experts or skilled technicians. Some recent systems have incorporated surveying by users. Structuring localization systems "organically," however, introduces its own set of challenges: conveying uncertainty, determining when user input is actually required, and discounting erroneous and stale data. Through deployment of an organic location system in our nine-story building, which contains nearly 1,400 distinct spaces, we evaluate new algorithms for addressing these challenges. We describe the use of Voronoi regions for conveying uncertainty and reasoning about gaps in coverage, and a clustering method for identifying potentially erroneous user data. Our algorithms facilitate rapid coverage while maintaining positioning accuracy comparable to that achievable with survey-driven indoor deployments. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.4 [Computer Communication Networks]: Distributed Syste...
Jun-geun Park, Ben Charrow, Dorothy Curtis, Jonath
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Jun-geun Park, Ben Charrow, Dorothy Curtis, Jonathan Battat, Einat Minkov, Jamey Hicks, Seth J. Teller, Jonathan Ledlie
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