

Semi-Supervised Learning by Mixed Label Propagation

14 years 4 months ago
Semi-Supervised Learning by Mixed Label Propagation
Recent studies have shown that graph-based approaches are effective for semi-supervised learning. The key idea behind many graph-based approaches is to enforce the consistency between the class assignment of unlabeled examples and the pairwise similarity between examples. One major limitation with most graph-based approaches is that they are unable to explore dissimilarity or negative similarity. This is because the dissimilar relation is not transitive, and therefore is difficult to be propagated. Furthermore, negative similarity could result in unbounded energy functions, which makes most graphbased algorithms unapplicable. In this paper, we propose a new graph-based approach, termed as “mixed label propagation” which is able to effectively explore both similarity and dissimilarity simultaneously. In particular, the new framework determines the assignment of class labels by (1) minimizing the energy function associated with positive similarity, and (2) maximizing the energy fun...
Wei Tong, Rong Jin
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where AAAI
Authors Wei Tong, Rong Jin
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