

Context-Aware Logistic Routing and Scheduling

14 years 5 months ago
Context-Aware Logistic Routing and Scheduling
In context-aware route planning, agents have to plan their route on a common infrastructure in such a way that plans made by other agents are not invalidated, and no conflicts are introduced. Previous research on context-aware routing, mostly in the domain of automated guided vehicle (AGV) routing, has reported on an O(n4 v2 ) (n the number of vehicles, v the number of infrastructure resources) algorithm. In this paper we present an improved algorithm with a complexity of only O(nv log(nv) + nv2 ). Our free path routing approach is based on a search through the graph of free time windows on the resources, rather than a search through the infrastructure itself. Our algorithm can be used to find a set of conflict-free routes for a number of agents by finding the route for a single agent at a time. As a consequence, the order in which agents plan their route will determine the quality not only of the individual agent plans, but also of the global plan. Our experimental results confi...
Adriaan ter Mors, Jonne Zutt, Cees Witteveen
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where AIPS
Authors Adriaan ter Mors, Jonne Zutt, Cees Witteveen
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