

Stork: Package Management for Distributed VM Environments

14 years 4 months ago
Stork: Package Management for Distributed VM Environments
In virtual machine environments each application is often run in its own virtual machine (VM), isolating it from other applications running on the same physical machine. Contention for memory, disk space, and network bandwidth among virtual machines, coupled with an inability to share due to the isolation virtual machines provide, leads to heavy resource utilization. Additionally, VMs increase management overhead as each is essentially a separate system. Stork is a package management tool for virtual machine environments that is designed to alleviate these problems. Stork securely and efficiently downloads packages to physical machines and shares packages between VMs. Disk space and memory requirements are reduced because shared files, such as libraries and binaries, require only one persistent copy per physical machine. Experiments show that Stork reduces the disk space required to install additional copies of a package by over an order of magnitude, and memory by about 50%. Stork do...
Justin Cappos, Scott M. Baker, Jeremy Plichta, Duy
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where LISA
Authors Justin Cappos, Scott M. Baker, Jeremy Plichta, Duy Nguyen 0002, Jason Hardies, Matt Borgard, Jeffry Johnston, John H. Hartman
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