

Hot Crap!

14 years 5 months ago
Hot Crap!
esn't display abstracts. Similar issues beset START (, Linklings's RM 3.2 (www., and EasyChair ( For instance, EasyChair users switch between "roles," such as "PC member," "reviewer," or "author," getting very different views of paper information in each case. I've even served on committees on which the easiest way to use the conference system was to edit URLs. HotCRP, in Figure 1: Maybe a blinking arrow would help. contrast, aims to display all accessible paper information on a single "paper view" page. This page shows each viewer exactly the information the viewer is allowed to see, taking conflicts of interest, authorstate, and PC status into account. Modelessness improves code structure too. The more ways there are to view a paper, the more code must be checked or updated when system functionality changes, and the more potential channels there are for information leak...
Eddie Kohler
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where NSDI
Authors Eddie Kohler
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