

Defeating Encrypted and Deniable File Systems: TrueCrypt v5.1a and the Case of the Tattling OS and Applications

14 years 3 months ago
Defeating Encrypted and Deniable File Systems: TrueCrypt v5.1a and the Case of the Tattling OS and Applications
We examine the security requirements for creating a Deniable File System (DFS), and the efficacy with which the TrueCrypt disk-encryption software meets those requirements. We find that the Windows Vista operating system itself, Microsoft Word, and Google Desktop all compromise the deniability of a TrueCrypt DFS. While staged in the context of TrueCrypt, our research highlights several fundamental challenges to the creation and use of any DFS: even when the file system may be deniable in the pure, mathematical sense, we find that the environment surrounding that file system can undermine its deniability, as well as its contents. We hypothesize some extensions of our discoveries to regular (non-deniable) encrypted file systems. Finally, we suggest approaches for overcoming these challenges on modern operating systems like Windows. We analyzed TrueCrypt version 5.1a (latest available version during the writing of the paper); Truecrypt v6 introduces new features, including the ability to...
Alexei Czeskis, David J. St. Hilaire, Karl Koscher
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where USS
Authors Alexei Czeskis, David J. St. Hilaire, Karl Koscher, Steven D. Gribble, Tadayoshi Kohno, Bruce Schneier
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