

Simplification and aggregation strategies applied for factory analysis in conceptual phase using simulation

14 years 5 months ago
Simplification and aggregation strategies applied for factory analysis in conceptual phase using simulation
Despite that simulation possesses an establish background and offers tremendous promise for designing and analyzing complex production systems, manufacturing industry has been less successful in using it as a decision support tool, especially in the conceptual phase of factory design. This paper presents how simplification and aggregation strategies are incorporated in a modeling, simulation and analysis tool, with the aim of supporting decision making in conceptual phase. Conceptual modeling is guided by a framework using an object library with generic drag and drop system components and system control objects. Data inputs are simplified by the use of Effective Process Time distributions and a novel aggregation method for product mix cycle time differences. The out coming specification is through a Web Service interface handle by modeling system architecture, automatically generating a simulation model and analysis. Case studies confirm a breakthrough in project time reduction withou...
Matias Urenda Moris, Amos Ng, Jacob Svensson
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where WSC
Authors Matias Urenda Moris, Amos Ng, Jacob Svensson
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