

Preventing information leakage between collaborating organisations

14 years 4 months ago
Preventing information leakage between collaborating organisations
Information sharing and protection against leakage is a critical problem especially for organisations having sensitive information. Sharing content between individuals in the same organisation extends to exchanging and sharing content between collaborating organisations. In this paper we propose a novel solution for preventing shared information between collaborating organisations from getting leaked to unauthorised users inside the distination organisation or out side it. In addition, once the content is in the hands of authorised users our solution prevents unethical authorised users from leaking such content to other users in the same organisation or third parties. In this paper we provide a mechanism for a source organisation to send content to another collaborating organisation in such a way the sent content is either accessed by a specific group of users performing a specific task or it could be accessed by all devices member in the destination organisation, which should be base...
Muntaha Alawneh, Imad M. Abbadi
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Muntaha Alawneh, Imad M. Abbadi
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