

Reclassification of Linearly Classified Data Using Constraint Databases

14 years 2 months ago
Reclassification of Linearly Classified Data Using Constraint Databases
In many problems the raw data is already classified according to a variety of features using some linear classification algorithm but needs to be reclassified. We introduce a novel reclassification method that creates new classes by combining in a flexible way the existing classes without requiring access to the raw data. The flexibility is achieved by representing the results of the linear classifications in a linear constraint database and using the full query capabilities of a constraint database system. We implemented this method based on the MLPQ constraint database system. We also tested the method on a data that was already classified using a decision tree algorithm.
Peter Z. Revesz, Thomas Triplet
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Peter Z. Revesz, Thomas Triplet
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