Few voice-in/voice-out applications are available on the web. The problem appears to be the lack of appropriate open-source tools. More speech applications would increase the functionality of the web for people with visual, cognitive, and motor disabilities. Our research group has developed open-source tools for the creation and deployment of speech applications by nonexpert as well as expert users, and an open-source software platform to deploy those applications on the web. In addition, a suite of exemplar speech applications, together with documentation, has been built to facilitate the creation and deployment of similar applications by others. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.4 [Hypertext/Hypermedia]: Architectures, H.5.2 [User Interfaces]: Voice I/O. Keywords Speech application, voice-application, X+V, SpeechWeb.
Richard A. Frost, Ali Karaki, David A. Dufour, Jos