

Consolidating User-Defined Concepts with StYLiD

14 years 3 months ago
Consolidating User-Defined Concepts with StYLiD
Information sharing can be effective with structured data. However, there are several challenges for having structured data on the web. Creating structured concept definitions is difficult and multiple conceptualizations may exist due to different user requirements and preferences. We propose consolidating multiple concept definitions into a unified virtual concept. We have implemented a system called StYLiD to realize this. StYLiD is a social software for sharing a wide variety of structured data. Users can freely define their own structured concepts. Attributes of the multiple concept versions are aligned semi-automatically to provide a unified view. It provides a flexible interface for easy concept definition and data contribution. Popular concepts gradually emerge from the cloud of concepts while concepts evolve incrementally. StYLiD also supports linked data by interlinking data instances including external resources like Wikipedia. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.4.m [Infor...
Aman Shakya, Hideaki Takeda, Vilas Wuwongse
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ASWC
Authors Aman Shakya, Hideaki Takeda, Vilas Wuwongse
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