

Dynamic Bayesian network based interest estimation for visual attentive presentation agents

14 years 4 months ago
Dynamic Bayesian network based interest estimation for visual attentive presentation agents
In this paper, we report on an interactive system and the results ofa formal user study that was carried out with the aim of comparing two approaches to estimating users' interest in a multimodal presentation based on their eye gaze. The scenario consists of a virtual showroom where two 3D agents present product items in an entertaining way, and adapt their performance according to users' (in)attentiveness. In order to infer users' attention and visual interest with regard to interface objects, our system analyzes eye movements in real-time. Interest detection algorithms used in previous research determine an object of interest based on the time that eye gaze dwells on that object. However, this kind of algorithm does not seem to be well suited for dynamic presentations where the goal is to assess the user's focus of attention with regard to a dynamically changing presentation. Here, the current context of the object of interest has to be considered, i. e., whether...
Boris Brandherm, Helmut Prendinger, Mitsuru Ishizu
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ATAL
Authors Boris Brandherm, Helmut Prendinger, Mitsuru Ishizuka
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