

Impartial Anticipation in Runtime-Verification

14 years 5 months ago
Impartial Anticipation in Runtime-Verification
In this paper, a uniform approach for synthesizing monitors checking correctness properties specified in linear-time logics at runtime is provided. Therefore, a generic three-valued semantics is introduced reflecting the idea that prefixes of infinite computations are checked. Then a conceptual framework to synthesize monitors from a logical specification to check an execution incrementally is established, with special focus on resorting to the automata-theoretic approach. The merits of the presented framework are shown by providing monitor synthesis approaches for a variety of different logics such as LTL, the linear-time
Wei Dong, Martin Leucker, Christian Schallhart
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ATVA
Authors Wei Dong, Martin Leucker, Christian Schallhart
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