

Object Recognition and Ontology for Manipulation with an Assistant Robot

14 years 5 months ago
Object Recognition and Ontology for Manipulation with an Assistant Robot
This article presents a service robotic system for people loosing their autonomy developed at CEA LIST. In the past on SAM robot, we have developed a method for automatic manipulation and object grasping using visual servoing. This method is too stereotyped to correctly grasp objects with complex geometry or to assign particular use to the manipulated object. In this article, we present a new study to adapt the grasping and the usage of an object designed by the user. Our method uses vision object recognition (CBIR) and an ontology for robotic manipulation. This recognition is implemented as a Web Service. It relies on passive vision and does not use a geometric model for grasping. The implementation of this method enables us to automatically search objects in the surrounding areas and to play cognitive and physical stimulation games with the user.
Hélène Vorobieva, Mariette Soury, Pa
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Hélène Vorobieva, Mariette Soury, Patrick Hède, Christophe Leroux, Philippe Morignot
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