

Semi-Automated Model Synchronisation in SOM

14 years 4 months ago
Semi-Automated Model Synchronisation in SOM
Model-driven engineering is at the forefront among recent attempts to information systems development. Models are gradually refined from domain specific descriptions to more concrete models closer to implementation. This is particularly relevant to the model transformation of collaborating business partners down to collaborating (web) services as they share a common interactional perspective. However, as requirements constantly evolve model layers change and so they have to be kept in sync. Model synchronisation keeps track of those changes and propagates them to other layers. This poster gives a brief introduction to model synchronisation as devised for the Semantic Object Model (SOM), a promising approach to model-driven service engineering. SOM allows for the gradual refinement of model layers through decomposition of business objects respective their interactional relationships.
Christian Flender, Thomas Hettel, Michael Lawley,
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Christian Flender, Thomas Hettel, Michael Lawley, Michael Rosemann
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