

Multisignatures secure under the discrete logarithm assumption and a generalized forking lemma

14 years 4 months ago
Multisignatures secure under the discrete logarithm assumption and a generalized forking lemma
Multisignatures allow n signers to produce a short joint signature on a single message. Multisignatures were achieved in the plain model with a non-interactive protocol in groups with bilinear maps, by Boneh et al [4], and by a three-round protocol under the Discrete Logarithm (DL) assumption, by Bellare and Neven [3], with multisignature verification cost of, respectively, O(n) pairings or exponentiations. In addition, multisignatures with O(1) verification were shown in so-called Key Verification (KV) model, where each public key is accompanied by a short proof of well-formedness, again either with a non-interactive protocol using bilinear maps, by Ristenpart and Yilek [15], or with a three-round protocol under the Diffie-Hellman assumption, by Bagherzandi and Jarecki [1]. We improve on these results in two ways: First, we show a tworound O(n)-verification multisignature secure under the DL assumption in the plain model, improving on the three-round protocol of [3]. Second, we show ...
Ali Bagherzandi, Jung Hee Cheon, Stanislaw Jarecki
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CCS
Authors Ali Bagherzandi, Jung Hee Cheon, Stanislaw Jarecki
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