

Further Improving Geometric Fitting

14 years 4 months ago
Further Improving Geometric Fitting
We give a formal definition of geometric fitting in a way that suits computer vision applications. We point out that the performance of geometric fitting should be evaluated in the limit of small noise rather than in the limit of a large number of data as recommended in the statistical literature. Taking the KCR lower bound as an optimality requirement and focusing on the linearized constraint case, we compare the accuracy of Kanatani’s renormalization with maximum likelihood (ML) approaches including the FNS of Chojnacki et al. and the HEIV of Leedan and Meer. Our analysis reveals the existence of a method superior to all these.
Ken-ichi Kanatani
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where 3DIM
Authors Ken-ichi Kanatani
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