

Autonomic and Trusted Computing Paradigms

14 years 5 months ago
Autonomic and Trusted Computing Paradigms
The emerging autonomic computing technology has been hailed by world-wide researchers and professionals in academia and industry. Besides four key capabilities, well known as self-CHOP, we propose an additional self-regulating capability to explicitly emphasize the policy-driven self-manageability and dynamic policy derivation and enactment. Essentially, these five capabilities, coined as Self-CHROP, define an autonomic system along with other minor properties. Trusted computing targets guaranteed secured systems. Self-protection alone does not ensure the trustworthiness in autonomic systems. The new trend is to integrate both towards trusted autonomic computing systems. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the autonomic and trusted computing paradigms and a preliminary conceptual architecture towards trustworthy autonomic grid computing.
Xiaolin Li, Hui Kang, Patrick Harrington, Johnson
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ATC
Authors Xiaolin Li, Hui Kang, Patrick Harrington, Johnson Thomas
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