

Feedback in Multimodal Self-organizing Networks Enhances Perception of Corrupted Stimuli

14 years 2 months ago
Feedback in Multimodal Self-organizing Networks Enhances Perception of Corrupted Stimuli
Abstract. It is known from psychology and neuroscience that multimodal integration of sensory information enhances the perception of stimuli that are corrupted in one or more modalities. A prominent example of this is that auditory perception of speech is enhanced when speech is bimodal, i.e. when it also has a visual modality. The function of the cortical network processing speech in auditory and visual cortices and in multimodal association areas, is modeled with a Multimodal Self-Organizing Network (MuSON), consisting of several Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) with both feedforward and feedback connections. Simulations with heavily corrupted phonemes and uncorrupted letters as inputs to the MuSON demonstrate a strongly enhanced auditory perception. This is explained by feedback from the bimodal area into the auditory stream, as in cortical processing.
Andrew P. Paplinski, Lennart Gustafsson
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Andrew P. Paplinski, Lennart Gustafsson
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