

A P2P Integration Architecture for Protein Resources

14 years 4 months ago
A P2P Integration Architecture for Protein Resources
The availability of a direct pathway from a primary sequence (denovo or DNA derived) to macromolecular structure to biological function using computer-based tools is the ultimate goal for a protein scientist. Today's state of the art protein resources and on-going research and experiments provide the raw data that can enable protein scientists to achieve at least some steps of this goal. Thus, protein scientists are looking towards taking their benchtop research from the specific to a much broader base of using the large resources of available electronic information. However, currently the burden falls on the scientist to manually interface with each data resource, integrate the required information, and then finally interpret the results. Their discoveries are impeded by the lack of tools that can not only bring integrated information from several known data resources, but also weave in information as it is discovered and brought online by other research groups. We propose a nov...
Kajal T. Claypool, Sanjay Kumar Madria
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Kajal T. Claypool, Sanjay Kumar Madria
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