We present a goal-driven approach to model a choreographer for realizing composite Web services. In this framework, the users start with an abstract, and possibly incomplete functional specification of a desired goal service. This specification is used to compose a choreographer that allows communication between the client and the set of available component services, and is functionally equivalent to the goal service. However, if such a composition cannot be realized, the proposed approach identifies the cause(s) for the failure of composition. This information can be used by the user to minimally reformulate the goal to reduce the `gap' between the desired functionality. The process can be iterated until a feasible composition is realized or the user decides to abort. The approach ensures that (i) a choreographer, if one is produced by our composition algorithm, in fact realizes the user-specified goal functionality; and (ii) the algorithm is guaranteed to find a composition tha...
Jyotishman Pathak, Samik Basu, Robyn R. Lutz, Vasa