

On the Midpoint of a Set of XML Documents

14 years 4 months ago
On the Midpoint of a Set of XML Documents
The WWW contains a huge amount of documents. Some of them share the subject, but are generated by different people or even organizations. To guarantee the interchange of such documents, we can use XML, which allows to share documents that do not have the same structure. However, it makes difficult to understand the core of such heterogeneous documents (in general, schema is not available). In this paper, we offer a characterization and algorithm to obtain the midpoint (in terms of a resemblance function) of a set of semi-structured, heterogeneous documents without optional elements. The trivial case of midpoint would be the common elements to all documents. Nevertheless, in cases with several heterogeneous documents this may result in an empty set. Thus, we consider that those elements present in a given amount of documents belong to the midpoint. A exact schema could always be found generating optional elements. However, the exact schema of the whole set may result in overspecializa...
Alberto Abelló, Xavier de Palol, Mohand-Sai
Added 14 Oct 2010
Updated 14 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where DEXA
Authors Alberto Abelló, Xavier de Palol, Mohand-Said Hacid
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